Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Change

Taking my "Tour de Florida" these past few weeks has got me thinking about change. As a kid, I HATED change. Most of my college years, I resisted the idea as well. Now that I'm out of college, I realize how much life is filled with change. I think these days I am seeking it because I have learned it is a losing battle to resist.

I had a good conversation with some great friends yesterday in which one friend said, "You'll leave and when you come back, you'll think everything should be the same. But it won't. People will have new cars, new jobs, new houses. You'll feel like you're the only one changing but will come to find out that everyone else's lives are changing too." How true is that? When I was in Orlando, I was riding in my friend's car and she was talking about how she will be buying a new one soon. I started thinking to myself... that's not allowed! She's always had this car! It's ridiculous how I cling to familiar things like my FRIEND'S CAR... it's not even my own stuff or my own situations. I think this is why reverse culture shock is so hard for me. I want the familiar to stay familiar, but it never does. Life is constantly evolving.

I am going to visit my church from high school tomorrow. I have not been involved there since high school, and I often wonder if anyone from there remembers me. The church had gone through several changes since I left including new buildings and a name change. I am praying that I can see the joy and beauty in change, and not become discouraged or frustrated by it.