Friday, October 16, 2009

A Trip to the Movies

Today my roommate and I are thinking about going into town to watch a movie. Though this may sound strange, but going to the movies is quite a "cultural" experience for me! Here are the steps you need to follow.

1. Check movie time at 4 different malls to see if any of them are playing a movie from the US that you want to see.
2. Make sure you are ready to leave 2 hours before hand.
3. Wait for the bus, which follows no particular time schedule.
4. Get on the bus and about 1/2 way into the city, the driver's helper comes around to collect the 5000 Rp (50 cents).
5. Watch for the intersection you want to get off at and yell kiri kiri! to get the bus drive to pull over to the left (people drive in the left side of the rode here).
6. Wait for an angkot to come by that is going to your particular destination.
7. Ride the angkot to the mall and pay whatever you think is a fair price- usually 3000Rp (30 cents).
8. Find the movie theater and walk up to the ticket counter.
9. Pay for your movie and using the screen, select which seats you want to sit in when inside the movie theater.
10. Stand outside your movie theater until the light (which is the theater number) flashes on so that you can enter.

After that you can enjoy your movie with Indonesian subtitles and feel a bit more in the loop with what is going on in the States.

While I enjoy going to the movies, this is a process that rarely happens. Oh, Indonesia.


  1. Sounds like that would take allll day!! Hope you have time on your hands. Adventure!
